Ed Emberley’s Faces!

Like a lot of children of the 70s and 80s, my education on drawing cartoons was largely shaped by the masterful Ed Emberley. I had five or six of his books, which break down the complex art of drawing bodies and faces into simple shapes and step-by-step instructions. I loved it.

So, naturally, as we’re working on both drawing with shapes and faces, Grace and I spent some time with Mr. Emberley’s books. She really took to it and was able to understand his lexicon. I decided to have some fun and draw the Avengers as Ed might have!

Hawkeye & Mockingbird!

One of the real joys of this blog is that the girls and I have met some people we really like. One of them is up and coming artist, Jordan Gibson http://twitter.com/#!/superbatgibson).

After seeing his work on Project: Rooftop, we drew Red Robin with Jordan a few months ago. He has an incredible style that’s modern, while recalling the simple joy and color of the classic age of comics. Bright times ahead for him.

Grace and I were thrilled to meet Jordan at HeroesCon last week. He shared a booth with another of our favorites, Dean Trippe. Jordan drew the incredible Hawkeye and Mockingbird below for Grace … and it turned out to be his first con comission ever. We were honored! So we drew Mockingbird, too.

Ms. Marvel! by Ella Williams (6)

A TREASURE FOUND! This sketch of Ms. Marvel was done by Grace’s pal, Ella, on the train on the way home from HeroesCon in June. It got lost in a pile of art unearthed tonight. And, it’s fantastic.

The heart-shaped lips? You know you think this is adorable.

Hawkeye … and, um, Hawkeye! by Grace (7) & Dad

So, this one’s at the request of our buddy, Phil, at Heroes Aren’t Hard to Find, our hometown comic shop and organizers of the awesome HereosCon show in Charlotte, N.C.

In honor of Jim McCann and David Lopez’s “Hawkeye & Mockingbird” #2 hitting the shelves yesterday, Phil asked for Hawkeye. (Please. Twist our arms.) So we doubled up with the Clint Barton and Kate Bishop versions. Enjoy!

Mister Hyde! by Grace (7) & Dad

In honor of our Pal Chris Samnee’s new all-ages Marvel book, Thor: The Mighty Avenger, coming out today, Grace and I drew Thor’s opponent in the book — the super ugly, Mister Hyde. Nothing is more fun than drawing a villain with poor dental hygene.

Check out Chris’ amazing Thor sketches over at his blog, www.ChrisSamnee.com. And, BUY THE BOOK!

And, since Chris asked fans to send him photos of them picking up the book, we decided to do a little video …

Jack of Hearts! by Grace (6) & Dad

Grace wasn’t so much into self-portraits, but she DID want to take on Jack of Hearts, an (sniff sniff) dead Marvel character from the Avengers. I was never a huge fan, but did grow to really like the character when Geoff Johns wrote him … just before he died. Now, Grace and I are hoping for a miraculous return.

And, I have to say, this represents some of Grace’s best work to date. She is really getting much stronger with facial details.

Hawkeye! by Maddy (15), Erin (23) & George Wahl (10)

George took his turn to pick the one, the only Hawkeye … my favorite comics character of all time and the star of the new book, Hawkeye & Mockingbird, by 5MM buddies, Jim McCann and David Lopez. Maddy and Erin chose a traditional path, while George was inspired by the cartoon stylings of Chris Giarrusso! Bullseye, guys. Clint would be proud.

Wasp & Scarlet Witch! by Stephanie Buscema

Okay … so this one was exciting. Another artist from Marvel’s Girl Comics, Stephanie Buscema, was kind enough to take time to draw with Grace and Cate … and just look at the result. Those pics of Wasp and Scarlet Witch are terrific. Take a long look at them and see how, in just five minutes, Stephanie both added her own style and brought out the true personality of these time-honored characters. Ladies and gentlemen, that is the result of countless hours or practice.

To see more of Stephanie’s artwork, please visit her web site — http://www.stephaniebuscema.com/

Stephanie is a tremendous illustrator whose star is truly on the rise. And, she is related to Marvel Comics royalty. Her grandfather is legendary Marvel artist, John Buscema, co-author of my personal bible for comic art How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way. Whether you are 5 or 55 and want to form a solid foundation for comic art (or art in general), buy this book and read it cover to cover.

Thanks, Stephanie, for your time and for exciting Grace especially to do some strong work of her own.

Cate wasn’t quite up for a double-header. (Umm … no pun intended.)

Egghead! by Cate (5), Grace (6) & Tim Miner

It was Cate’s pick and, while thumbing through a book on the Avengers, settled on one of their more … ahem … storied opponents — the evil Egghead. And, I think it helped produce some of their best work yet.

Squirrel Girl! by Cate (4), Grace (6) & Dad

This was soooooo easy. When Grace and Cate learned there was a super-powered girl who hung with squirrels, there was no further discussion necessary on who to draw.

P.S. For the unitiated or those who think this character is a joke. Well, she beat Dr. Doom in a fight. And, that’s  no lie. 🙂

Captain Marvel! by Cate (4), Grace (6) and Dad

Tonight was my night to pick, so I went back to one of my favorite … and criminally underutilized … Marvel characters, Monica Rambeau … Captain Marvel. (Yes. I refuse to call her “Photon.”)