500th Post! Little Ms. Captain Marvel!

It all started one night when Grace drew Ms. Marvel on a piece of paper about the size of a post-it. She was 6. That night, we posted it on the Internet.

A few nights later, she asked me to draw with her. A few weeks later, Cate decided it might be fun to join in. 5 Minute Marvels was born. And, It’s been so much fun these last two years, creating memories the Miner family will remember forever.
We’ve made so many friends around the world — professional comic book creators, aspiring artists and writers, kids who dream of making comics someday and adults who’ve never stopped dreaming about it.

Here is art created to celebrate this 500th post by just a few of our many wonderful friends. Thank you so much for being part of this journey. We hope to draw with you for years to come!  And, for those of you who’ve followed us and drawn with us — I hope it’s been half as much fun for you as it’s been for us.

Grace Miner (8)

 Cate Miner (7)


Kelly Sue DeConnick: http://kellysue.com/

Kelly Thompson: http://1979semifinalist.wordpress.com/

Tara Abbamondi: www.tarabba.com

Jordan Gibson: http://flavors.me/jordangibson

Joel Carroll: http://www.joelcarroll.com/frontpage/

“Calamity Jon” Morris: http://calamityjonsave.us/

Erin Kelly: http://literateknits.wordpress.com/

Jamie and Tyler (10) Cosley: http://www.jamiecosley.com/

Janet K. Lee: http://www.j-k-lee.com/Home.html

Calliope den Ouden: http://www.inktspatten.nl/

Karine Charlebois: http://kantharasloft.net/   

Meredith McClaren: http://iniquitousfish.blogspot.com/

Philip A. Buck: http://www.philipabuck.com/ 

J. Robert & Samantha (6) Deans: http://icrvn.com/blog/

Josh Bowron: http://discernland.blogspot.com/

Jason & Marghread Enright: http://wecomics.com/

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