400th Post – Snoopy & Woodstock with the Z Kids!

It’s hard to believe, but this is our 400th post on 5 Minute Marvels. It’s a been a long, but incredibly fun trip for us. And, along the way, Grace, Cate and I have made many friends and drawn with some amazing artists.

So, it’s very fitting that we draw tonight with children’s book author and illustrator, Aaron Zenz, and his talented children — the Z Kids. We were sadly unaware of their work until recently, but Aaron, Isaac, Gracie, Lily, Elijah and Evie have made beautiful art together for five years on their blog Chicken Nugget Lemon Tooty. And, they review children’s books together on Bookie Wookie. Fantastic stuff, guys! Keep it up.

And, to celebrate the big 4-0-0, our drawing represents four generations – Grace and Cate, Grandpa, Great Grandma (AKA Diddy) and Dad. Here’s to 400 more!

3 thoughts on “400th Post – Snoopy & Woodstock with the Z Kids!

  1. Congratulations. I’ve loved this blog and had good times doing this with my kids. Peanuts is a perfect anniversary topic. Love is a quick burst of creativity.

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